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Godspeed.... John

John Ivey was a remarkable man. Many of you know John from the social centers he owned or operated in "The Town" for more than 40 years — more than several locations in our famed Jack London Square. Many of you know John as an activist, writer, and leader; born and involved in Oakland to make Oakland a better community.


Oakland Youth First knows John through his commitment to our Oakland youth. John valued education and did everything within his means to bring a better life to as many as he could through the power of knowledge and diligent effort.


Oakland Youth First honors John Ivey as a valued friend and team member who helped to bring tremendous amounts of skills, knowledge and resources to our program and our youth. John worked with a number of youth, political and community efforts.


John was the leader in bringing a $250,000 Alameda County Probation contract, several like minded individuals to his Ivey & Associates team, for the benefit of our children. He was a well respected figure in political and social circles. His recent efforts involved working with Martin Luther King III, U.S. Representative, Barbara Lee, and most recently, his dedication to the campaign efforts of Sandré Swanson and his support of U.S. Senatorial candidate, Kamala Harris.


John Ivey made a difference in Oakland in many ways, as a tireless, dedicated worker for equal rights and justice; as a husband, father, son, brother; as a loyal friend, confidant, and business associate. Oakland Youth First is proud to have known John Ivey and had the opportunity to work closely with him salvaging one of Oakland's most precious resource — our Oakland youth.


Thanks John you will be truly missed...

John Ivey Memorial 
Up Coming Event.....

            Diversity "Gumbo" Series

               OYF... Dufwin Theater                  

Oakland Youth First offers several programs that expose our young participants to Common Core Standards and excellent career opportunities. While each of our options is exciting, including hands on involvement through Linked Learning, our trainees also gain knowledge in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).


Our Field Trips gives our students several hours of fun and knowledge. Do you know why airplanes fly? Our students do. Most leave understanding not only how to fly a plane, but also why it stays in the air. Our Aviation Center and our Air Traffic Control Room opens new doors to the flying experience and Air Traffic Control. We show our young pilots the principles of flight and how to track almost every commercial airline in the world.


Our Workshops allow even greater exposure to our Land, Air and Sea components. We can share several days, exposing our young minds to each element of our programs, or concentrate on a single aspect of our offerings. Each section is modular, as well as hands on, and allows extended training in career options and STEM elements.


Our Program Mode offers the greatest opportunities for our students to learn. OYF offers a full blown course of study tailored to your time and student needs. Each course is designed to maximize student knowledge, and, at the same time, prepare them for exciting careers. OYF has the capability to certify our young pilots with FAA approved flight hours toward their pilot's license; qualify students as Merchant Marines, or gain Coast Guard certified hours towards becoming a Sea Captain; work in the field of Renewable Energy, or produce professional level music or videos.


Our Project Opportunity seek Opportunity Young ages 16 - 24 that are out of school and unemployed. OYF offers 3-9 month career training programs that will prepare Opportunity Youth for job placement, internships, continued education, certifiactions and more. Project Opportunity funds the training process (hourly wage paid to students) so that these young adults feel a sense of accopmlishment as soon as they are execpted into the program. OYF strives to open doors for Opportunity Youth in the surrounding Bay Area cities by creating hands on "learn to work" programs built with partnerships with potential employers. 



              Let us know when you're ready to start your exciting future.

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